Merge is a marriage preparation class that meets in homes for seriously dating and engaged couples. The class covers topics such as communication, conflict resolution, finances, sexual intimacy, in-laws, and expectations. Each group is led by a married mentor couple, and participants journey through the class with other couples in the same stage of life. Merge provides an ideal opportunity for you and your significant other to discuss the next steps in your relationship within the context of a small group.
We offer two sections: Pre-Engagement and Pre-Marriage.
Pre-Engagement is a condensed, 4-week version of the 8-week Merge curriculum. It provides a safe space for couples to explore engagement and the possibility of marriage.
Pre-Marriage is the full 8-week curriculum, focusing on key aspects of marriage such as communication, conflict, sexual intimacy, in-laws, and expectations. It can either be a continuation of the Pre-Engagement course (with only 4 additional weeks of content) or taken independently as a stand-alone class.